Himanchal Pradesh

Best Import Export Company In Himachal Pradesh

Export Import Detail Of Himachal Pradesh

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Himachal Pradesh is one of the best Exporting State of India having many Export Import Company in Himachal Pradesh and for this reason Export Import Business of Himachal Pradesh Stand on Rank Exporting Rank in INDIA with overall percentage contribution of Percentage Share in total Export from India.

Export Potential by District

Name of the District Products/Services identified with Export Potential
Bilaspur Spices, Tourism
Chamba Tourism, Handicrafts, Chamba Rumal
Hamirpur Tourism, Agro-products
Kangra Pickle, Jam Squash, Kangra Tea, Kangra Paintings, Tourism
Kinnaur Himachali Chulli oil (apricot oil), Tourism, Horticulture, Kinnauri Shawl
Lahaul & Spiti Tourism, Wood carvings
Kullu Tourism, Horticulture, Dairy Products, Kullu Shawl
Mandi Spices, Tourism, Horticulture, Floriculture, Handicrafts
Shimla Tourism, Himachali Chulli Oil
Sirmaur (Sirmour) Horticulture
Solan Mushrooms, Tourism, Pharmaceuticals, Textile Yarn
Una Pickle, Jam Squash, Tourism, Engineering goods, Processed foods

Top Exported Products from Himachal Pradesh

  • Fruits (Apples) - ₹223 crore
  • Handicrafts - ₹89 crore
  • Pharmaceuticals - ₹2160 crore
  • Processed Foods - ₹1720 crore
  • Textiles - ₹625 crore
  • Tea - ₹6155 crore
  • Honey - ₹1470 crore
  • Woolen Products - ₹67 crore

Learn Import and Export Management

If you're interested in learning practical aspects of import and export business, Ecom Global Trade offers a comprehensive course that covers all key areas, including custom documentation, international trade laws, and business setup.

Key Points of the Practical Import Export Course:

  • Working on Live Export Import Projects
  • Execution while learning
  • Industries and Port visits
  • 100% Practical and Personalized Focus
  • Job Placement Assistance and Internship
  • Building your own business simultaneously
  • Free Import Export License (IEC)
  • Free Buyers Data and Suppliers Data
  • Real-time communication with international buyers and suppliers

Ecom Global Trade

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